Site under destruction!

hi im kay! this is my website. it's extremely under construction at the moment, as you can see. to be honest, i'm mostly just tinkering with CSS right now, seeing what i can figure out. i'll make a proper homepage and about later on. even laterer oner, i plan to dedicate a section of the site to my current favorite video game, Dead by Daylight, and i'm sure i'll inevitably make another section for complaining/gushing about tabletop roleplaying games. i'd love to say there'll be epic furry images here too, but well. dont hold your breath. thanks for stopping by!

Here's how you can add an image:

BB of the Killer, smorking her goint. How we love her. Art by 'funnypizzaland2002' on tumblr

Here's how to make a list:

If you're hungry for more, have a delicious snack, on me!